King David High School

"Let there be light
through faith and work"

Year 11 Destination Analysis 2018

Post-16 Destinations 2018

Number of leavers in September 2018


% of leavers at KDHS 6th Form

60% (57/95)

% of leavers at other 6th Form’s

18% (17/95)

% of leavers at colleges

19% (18/95)_

% of male leavers at KDHS 6th Form

46% (26/57)

% of female leavers at KDHS 6th Form

54% (31/57)

% of leavers with SEN Status K at KDHS

7% (4/57)

% of leavers with SEN Status S at KDHS

1.7% (1/57)

% of disadvantaged leavers


% of leavers in other education

5.2% (3/57)