King David High School

"Let there be light
through faith and work"

Our Curriculum



We are proud to offer a broad and varied curriculum that is flexible to best fit the needs of each individual child and is designed to cover the seven areas of learning and development as detailed in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).


The Kindergarten is ambitious for all children and learning is adaptable to embrace each child’s own interests and the different rates at which they all develop. Children’s individuality is celebrated and home lives and cultures are respected and included through strong parent partnerships.


Topics are introduced every half term to reflect on key events, seasonal changes, the environment and the local community, amongst others. Through these topics children can develop their learning, knowledge and skills to best prepare them for the next stage of their journeys.


Children in early years learn through play and the curriculum is embedded via a mix of child led, adult led and adult-guided activities. There is also scope for spontaneous learning within the mix.


Communication and language is of particular focus and staff support children with communication activities; modelling language, extending vocabulary and early reading. Each topic on the curriculum includes opportunities for stories and rhymes and staff are enthusiastic in encouraging a love for reading.